A new article of mine just came out this week, entitled “Mapping Sound: Play, Performance, and Analysis in Proteus.” It’s published in a Journal of Sound and Music in Games, the first peer-reviewed journal devoted to ludomusicology. You can read the paper here—all University of California Press journals are open access for the foreseeable future thanks to the pandemic.
This paper has been a long time coming. I drafted it for one of my last graduate seminars before beginning my dissertation work, an open-ended analysis course with Chris Hasty. I presented it at the very first NACVGM conference in Youngstown, and then toyed with it from time to time after that. It’s not remotely diss-related, so it would often lie dormant for long periods while I worked on other things. I remember pulling it out occasionally as a writing sample when a job or fellowship app needed me to show my range, and the paper was something I would pull out and work on over summers and holiday breaks. Finally this past Christmas, I sat down and powered through the final stages of revision. The process of publishing with JSMG was very smooth and professional, and I highly recommend submitting there! [Since I like to share these aspects of process: submitted in late December; conditionally accepted in February; revisions and acceptance in March; copyedits in late April; page proofs in June; published in August!]